The Omnivap 2021 Dynavap, the world’s simplest, yet most elegant and high-performance titanium vaporizer.
It is 109mm longer than its predecessor the Dynavap 2020.
Thanks to this battery-free alternative, it’s now possible to quit smoking.
Features :
- The Omnivap 2021 is the ultimate vaporizer, made entirely of medical-grade titanium.
Completely unbreakable, it’s a vaporizer you can keep for a very long time without any problems.
- Dynavap offers a unique alternative without battery technology.
This gives you the freedom to spray by hand, anywhere, anytime.
- The new titanium Tip, as easy to fill and clean as ever.
Now designed with multiple facets.
9 fin profiles on the tip in total, to ensure powerful disruption of airflow.
- This new version has two air intake doors.
You can also choose the air flow setting with the adjustable titanium condenser.
- The temperature range at the moment of clicking is always between 170°C and 220°C.
How to use :
- Fill the tip of your Omnivap 2021 Dynavap with the materials you wish to spray.
- Replace the captive cap on the Omnivap Tip.
- Equip yourself with a torch lighter and evenly heat the cape at the notches.
- Pay close attention to the Dynavap click and stop heating as soon as you hear it.
- Inhale, alternating between open and closed draft (air flow).
- Remember to let the cap cool down before reheating.